Practice for Movement
This Primary Reflex therapy is based on the natural healing capacity of the organism. This makes it "environmentally friendly" for the body. You will not have to deal with the processing of body-unfriendly artificially introduced substances. Primary Reflex inhibition is essentially a learning trajectory! We work in 3 interconnected areas.
Primary Reflexes are tested for interference, and then these Primary Reflexes are inhibited by providing movement information to the nervous system. This is done manually, without medication, it is painless and is accompanied by relaxation.
The cause of the unrestrained presence of the Primary Reflex is traced and neutralized.
The person is then screened for all possible compensation patterns and mechanisms that he has had to develop to suppress the disruptive influence of Primary Reflexes. Tensions that he experiences under the influence of these patterns on a physical, mental and emotional level, are removed from his organism.
Sometimes a person needs extra exercises for a short time to promote better blood circulation, waste processing and muscle-tone and coordination. Usually this is not necessary.
Experience learns that the many symptoms or inability one suffered and for which one came, appear to disappear partially sometimes, and usually completely during and after therapy.